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Important things come in small boxes

... winning your dog's heart over --lucy

And we have a winner, and it is the llama toy. The story is about my dear friend Christina and her ‘brown’ dogs. Anytime there is a package delivered to the house the alpha dog, Maggie, thinks that the ‘box’ is a present for her. I must admit I have the same philosophy with anything that comes into my house as it must be a present for me. But in this case, it really is a result of the dogs receiving a monthly present from Bark Box  that sparked this habit of ripping the box open and examine which is the best toy in the box. I prepared a box of toys (5) and a bag of treats. Upon arrival I barely got in the door as Christina grabbed the box and the show began. The winner was the llama toy. The video is a little long (4 mins) but worth the watch. Now this is one way to evaluate product with one person in charge. One dog was happy with a small piece of cardboard.

Happy dog even after a week with llama toy


Jiun Ho  Award-winning designer and passionate world traveler Jiun Ho reveals the inspiration for his innovative interiors, furniture, lighting, and textiles in a captivating photographic journey that celebrates a life rich in experience. Explore his website for a variety of beautiful images and information.


Painted Leaf Press books   great for Christmas ideas as they have a great collection of inspiring coffee table books. Jiun Ho uses them as a publisher. It is never too early to shop for Christmas.


Notice this in an article/interview captured by Glasstire on the outgoing curator for the Blanton Museum in Austin, Veronica Roberts. Below are some of her favorite's artist:

Alice Neel  - one of my treasured painters that I study  is often described as a radical artist of her time. Alice Neel was an American visual artist, who was known for her portraits depicting friends, family, lovers, poets, artists, and strangers. Her paintings have an expressionistic use of line and color, psychological acumen, and emotional intensity.

A person with the hand on the chin

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‘Elenka’ 1936

Byron Kim is a contemporary artist who lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. In the early 1990s he produced minimalist paintings exploring racial identity. He graduated from Yale University in 1983 where he was a member of Manuscript Society.

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                                                              B.Q.O. (Tobey Pond) 2021

Nina Katchadourian  consider this artist with a little humor. The article is from the Texas Exes newsletter  Good interview with the artist. Not crazy about the art.

A wall with pictures and headphones

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Nina’s work


Made this recipe the other night for Brussels Sprouts. Delicious. We served it with previously baked stuffed Bell Peppers –with a meatloaf type stuffing. Easy to assemble.

Garlic Parmesan Roasted Brussels Sprouts - Don't Lose This


16 oz (450g) Brussels sprouts, rinsed

3 tablespoons olive oil (or melted butter)

1/2 teaspoon kosher salt and freshly cracked black pepper

1 teaspoon Italian seasoning

3 garlic cloves, minced

1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese, or to taste


To prepare the roasted Brussels sprouts: Preheat your oven to 400ºF (200ºC). Trim the bottom of the Brussels sprouts, and slice each Brussels sprout in half, top to bottom. Prepare a large baking sheet (you can line it with parchment paper if you like).

Pat the Brussels sprouts dry with paper towels and place them in a large bowl. Add olive oil, Italian seasoning, garlic, Parmesan, salt, and pepper. Toss gently to coat the Brussels sprouts evenly.

Place the Brussels sprouts on the prepared baking sheet, spreading evenly into one layer. Bake the parmesan Brussels sprouts on the center rack for 25 to 30 minutes – Adjust the time depending on your oven, the vegetables should be golden brown.

Transfer the parmesan roasted Brussels sprouts to a large serving bowl and sprinkle with fresh chopped parsley if you like. Enjoy! ❤️


As you know I purchased a new bike that would be easier on my back. The bike is a cruiser bike which sounds like a bike for people with one foot into the ‘rest home’. Needed a different option with compromised back but I swear this is a harder workout. The company sixthreezero appears to have an excellent product. Instructions are straight forward with links to videos for the assembly you can watch. They have their phone number on every page to call. The bike is made in China so the quality is a concerned, but I think will be ok. Adjustments made and we have a name for the bike:

The Wanderer

Cycling has been around since the early 1800s when a German baron invented the first “horseless carriage,” a two-wheeled, pedal-free contraption that allowed him to move around faster. Read the article about the beginning.

A picture containing text, grass, outdoor, tree

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The arrival – made FedEx ‘s guy day with my excitement

Wine Bottles storage – glass for bottles contributes to climate changes. Interesting article on the alternative. Continues with our theme of ‘box’.

Wine bottles contribute to climate change


As a young designer the firm I was with completed the interiors of libraries on average of one a year. I have a fondness for libraries and working with librarians as they are very thorough in their process. The link below is what libraries are becoming in in the 21st century. See what one library that has include: idea lab, tool lending center, podcasting and yes seeds, thank you Austin Library!

Libraries of the 21st Century


Tom Beckbe Classic outdoor apparel and gear for the hunt. Yes, winter is coming I promise.

A picture containing person, outdoor, person, suit

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"Remember that all painting is seeing, not doing. A painter spends his life in despair trying to paint the beauty he sees—in so doing he approaches more beauty. Knowledge will come to you unknowingly. Think of what beauty is revealed to you; try to put that down." Charles Hawthorne, Hawthorne on Painting.

Happy end of summer!

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